San Ramon Plumber

The Main Reasons to Repipe Your Home

November 14, 2018 | no responses | 741

Having your property’s old and worn out plumbing updated and replaced can sound daunting. Some homeowners want to avoid it, until it becomes inescapable, making their own family lives more difficult. They don’t want to deal with a change in their normal day to day family routine while it’s done. But there are many good reasons for having your home repiped.

Rust in Pipes

In older homes, cast iron drain pipe fittings and galvanized pressurized water pipes eventually rust away. They can stop water flow or cause potable water pipes to become extremely low in water pressure. This is because of rusting and sediment buildup inside the pipes. If rusting and sediment buildup is really extreme and stirred up due to water flowing, it can discolor your water, staining laundry and even some dishes.

Pipe Bursts

Pipes that burst usually do so at night. This is often caused by freezing temperatures, movement of unsecured pipes (known as “water hammer”), high water pressure, and corrosion or rust build up. If you have one burst pipe, it’s reasonable to deduce that you’re at high risk for more burst pipes in the future if you don’t solve the root problem. A repipe can and would prevent all of these issues if done by a qualified California licensed Plumber that has a C-36 Plumbing license.

Clogged fixtures

You may find you’re getting lower pressure in your faucets, shower, toilet, etc. than you used to. If so, you may have clogged or narrow water lines leading to these water outlets. A repiping can restore the plentiful water pressure you once loved so much.

Galvanic Corrosion, or “Electrolysis” in the pipes

Galvanic corrosion happens when two dissimilar metals with electrical potential (such as copper tube and steel pipe) are in shared contact with an electrolyte (like potable water). This naturally creates a weak electrical current. If your pipes have electrical potential together, the corrosion this causes can result in premature pipe deteriorating which could lead to potential burst pipes and should be solved and fixed as soon as possible.

Who Should Repipe for you?

Wise homeowners and property managers understand the importance of preventive maintenance and investment upgrades. It’s important to have this work done by a qualified Plumber, and not a General Contractor, Jack of All Trades, or a Handyman. A C-36 California licensed Plumber is considered a specialist in the state of California and knows state and local Plumbing health codes. You know what they say: “The Plumber Protects the Health of the Nation.”

Where as General Contractors and handymen are more general workers, that know a little bit and are tested by the state to know some of each of the trades. Plumbing is a true trade, requiring highly specialized knowledge and skills. This is why you need a C-36 California licenced plumber to know your work is being done right.

What Exactly in Repiping?

What is a repipe? Most homeowners aren’t sure what “repiping” does or doesn’t consist of. Many people assume that repiping means that all their plumbing will be replaced, including all drains and water lines. And also, that all there property’s plumbing problems will be resolved. So let’s describe exactly what it is.

Repipe will usually consist of all pressurized water lines in a home. To make it a little more clear, here’s a breakdown of what is replaced in a repipe:

  • Hose connections
  • Valves under sinks and toilets
  • Supply lines ( flexible inlet pipes that carry water from the hot & cold angle stop water supply valve to individual water fixtures)
  • Water main ¼” turn shut off & on valves to your home and water heater
  • Laundry attachments (“laundry box” with valves, if noted)
  • “Ice maker” box (if noted)

These things are NOT part of a repipe, unless otherwise noted:

  1. Water Main from the city meter to the house
  2. Drain lines (including drain pipes underground, in walls and vents as well. Problems in drain lines won’t be repaired with a repipe)
  3. Faucet fixtures (shower valves, tub faucets and sink faucets do not get replaced when repiped)
  4. Toilets
  5. The main Sewer Line from the house to the street
  6. Your water heater

It can be a major home improvement project, but repiping needs to be addressed before rusty pipes eventually break or burst causing extensive damage to your home. To have your plumbing examined, repaired, repiped or replaced, contact Landa Plumbing today.

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